King’s Coronation Update
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Published 5 Apr 2023 in Colleagues
Dear colleagues,
As part of the celebrations planned for King Charles III's Coronation, Monday the 8th of May has been deemed as a UK bank holiday.
It’s therefore been agreed that all colleagues will get additional bank holiday entitlement added to their annual leave balance to be used in line with the usual policy for bank holidays.
This means that If you are not working on that day you will need to book the day as annual leave in the usual way.
If you are scheduled to work you will be able to use this additional annual leave at a later date as part of your annual leave entitlement.
For specific details around opening hours at your place of work please refer to your group's communications or alternatively please speak to your line manager.
Bank Holiday FAQ’s
1. Will the Society be honouring the bank holiday on 08 May for the Kings coronation?
Yes, the Society will be recognising the bank holiday on 08 May
2. Will I, therefore, receive an increase in my annual leave balance?
Yes, all colleagues will receive one day’s additional annual leave which will equate to one fifth of their contracted hours. For example, if you are contracted to work 20 hours per week, then you will receive 4 additional hours in your annual leave balance.
This will be applied by the end of April.
3. Will I be required to work on 08 May?
This will be dependent on whether your place of work is open or not, but yes, you may be required to work on the bank holiday if this falls on your usual working day and your place of work remains open.
You will be informed operationally by your line manager whether your place of work is due to be open and whether you are required to work the bank holiday or not.
4. The actual Kings coronation is on 06 May, will I be required to work on this day?
Again, this will be dependent on whether your place of work is open or not, but yes, you may be required to work on the bank holiday if this falls on your usual working day and your place of work remains open.
5. My site is due to open on 06 May and/or 08 May, but my preference would be to have the day off?
The Society understands that some colleagues would prefer to take a day’s annual leave on 06 May and/or 08 May and therefore if you are required to work on this date, we ask that you discuss this with your line manager in the first instance, to see if the leave can be granted.
6. My place of work is not open on 06 May and/or 08 May and I am being asked to take annual leave, however, I would prefer to work, would this be an option?
If a colleague is able to work away from their normal place of work and there is sufficient work for to complete on these dates, then you should discuss this with your line manager to gain their approval to work.
7. I am a part time worker, my place of work is not open and a fifth of my contracted hours does not cover me for a full day’s annual leave?
The Society recognises that for some colleagues who work part-time that a fifth of their contracted hours may not be sufficient enough leave to have the dates off as a full day's annual leave. For example, if you work 8 hours on a Monday and a fifth of your contracted hours is 4 hours (because you are contracted to work 20 hours per week) then you will have 4 additional hours unaccounted for.
In this scenario the Society recommends you choose one of the following options and inform your line manager of your preference:
You take the whole day as annual leave knowing that you will take additional annual leave from your current available balance
You only use the fifth of your contracted hours for annual leave and the rest is unpaid leave
You only use the fifth of your contracted hours for annual leave and you arrange to work the additional hours within the week to ensure that you are not financially disadvantaged