Ramadan – A Holy Month for Islam

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Published 21 Mar 2023 in Raising Awareness
Today’s colleague story is bought to you by Zeb Ahrangzeb, Avas Mahmood and Amina Imran, three Support Services colleagues who are proud Muslims. Read their EmbRACE update on the holy month of Ramadan, explaining why it is special to them and how it’s being celebrated…
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim Calendar year, in which the Quran (holy book) was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), more than 1400 years ago.
Through fasting, this blessed month enables Muslims to establish the mind-body-soul connection and is a spiritual course that prepares us for heaven.
Amongst the many acts of goodness this month focuses on, compassion is one of them, which can mean helping the less fortunate, giving to charity, feeding others, or doing voluntary work.

Fasting in Ramadan
Muslims who have reached the age of maturity, abstain from all food and drink from sunrise to sunset, as well as smoking and sexual activity. This even extends to chewing gum and vaping, and all forms of consumption.
Of course, if there is a legitimate reason someone cannot fast, for example, they are of poor health, need to take medicine, they are travelling, or pregnant, then they are exempt.
Fasting reminds Muslims of the less fortunate and to re-enforce the need to be thankful for everything God has given them – helping the person develop ‘God Consciousness’ or ‘Allah’s Awareness’ – this is known as ‘Taqwa’ in Arabic and is why we fast. Therefore, it gives us the right mindset to devote ourselves to our faith, without distraction.

Common Misconceptions about Ramadan
Naturally, we all have plenty of questions about Ramadan, but can be unsure of whether to ask or not. I’d like to discuss a few of these common questions and misconceptions about Ramadan/fasting.
“Ramadan is only about not eating and drinking”: This couldn’t be further from the truth! We did mention before that Muslims are also supposed to abstain from other things during the fast itself (e.g. smoking and intimacy), but the purpose of Ramadan is so much deeper than that. As well as trying to get closer to God, we’re also supposed to give up bad habits (e.g. gossiping, unnecessary arguing, overeating etc.) to become a better and healthier version of ourselves.
“Fasting isn’t safe”: Again, certainly not the case. In fact, a number of studies have discovered that fasting has many health benefits. For example, it can help control your weight, improves your mood and concentration, and increases your energy level. From personal experience, I can say that fasting during exams actually really boosted my productivity and focus! I would also like to emphasise that if fasting would do more harm than good to someone’s health (e.g. someone with diabetes), they are not required to do so.
“It’s rude to eat in front of people who fast”: Among the things that Muslims try to foster during Ramadan, is self-control. Therefore, it’s certainly not rude to eat in front of us, since controlling our desires is what Ramadan is all about. So please don’t think you need to tread on eggshells! Positive allyship between colleagues from all religions and backgrounds is what we support, so please feel free to continue with your normal day if you’re not observing Ramadan.
“Ramadan starts on the same day every year”: Ramadan follows the lunar calendar, which means it roughly starts 10 days before the previous year.Since the start of Ramadan depends on your local sighting of the new moon, Muslims across the globe may start on different days (not much different).
“Not even water?!”: Ahhh, if only we could earn a pound for every time we were asked this… we’d be very rich! Just in case it isn’t clear enough, nope, not even water!
If you do have any other questions, please feel free to drop us a message! We’d be more than happy to answer 😊
Why is Ramadan important to me?
Ramadan is important to me as it allows me to strengthen my relationship with my religion and my creator.
This also makes me more appreciative for everything God has blessed me with.
By not eating or drinking for many hours, I am reminded of those who are less fortunate than myself and do not have food/water for days, weeks or even months. When you have everything you need, it’s easy to forget, and can be blind to those who are struggling.
Ramadan is also the month of forgiveness. Good deeds done in holy month are believed to be doubled by the Lord, and you can ask for the repentance for your shortcomings. Muslims also believe that the devil is locked away for this month.

Happy Eid!
Eid al-Fitr is a holy Islamic festival, celebrated at the end of the month of Ramadan. The Arabic name ‘Eid al-Fitr’ can be translated as ‘festival of the breaking of the fast’.
Typically, families will spend time together on Eid, exchange gifts and dine together. Stay tuned for another article about Eid al-Fitr!

We hope you have enjoyed this article!
If you would like to write an article like this, or be a part of celebrating Religious, Cultural, Ethical or National celebrations that you represent, of any kind, feel free to email DiversityAndInclusion@midcounties.coop
Thank you to Zeb Ahrangzeb, Avas Mahmood and Amina Imran for sharing this fantastic story.
Let us know your comments below 😊