Saving Energy – Thank you

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Published 28 Nov 2022 in Raising Awareness
As we come to the end of 2022, we want to give a big thank you to our colleagues for helping us save energy in the workplace. It has been a combined success so far and the figures show we have saved a significant amount over the last few months, have a look at some of the successes below.

Your savings make a difference
From the above, approximately two thirds of these savings have been generated through our energy saving property projects, and one third through colleague behaviours.
Therefore, direct energy saving actions from our colleagues have saved around 200 tonnes of CO2.
Energy saving property projects completed this year so far include low-energy LED lighting fitted across 63 sites, and energy-efficient refrigeration fitted across 21 sites.
Across these sites where we have carried out energy-saving property projects, we are reducing energy usage by 30%

Thank you!
We, therefore, want to say a huge thank you for your support in driving these energy savings.
Including our Property Team for the rollout of our energy saving property projects and our Food Store colleagues who are driving these energy savings on a daily basis through their day-to-day energy saving practices.
Well done!

Next steps – we need your help
Our aim is to reduce energy usage by 10% by the end of this financial year, therefore we need to keep up this momentum and continue to drive energy savings. As we continue to move into the winter months, taking action on the following, in particular, will really help us make a difference;
Use heaters sparingly and turn them off when not needed
Aim to keep the temperature between 20 to 22 degrees
Turn off lights when you leave the room or when not needed
Keep windows and doors closed and check automatic front doors are working properly
Follow the energy saving diagrams below bespoke for your site...
Food Retail
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Post Office
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Childcare Little Pioneers
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Support Offices
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