Supported Interns Mini Graduation!

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Published 19 Feb 2020
Did you know that we have a number of supported interns here at Midcounties? This month we celebrated their mini graduation at Co-op House!
Ellie, Patrick and Thomas have already worked in three of our business areas; Specialist Services, I.T. and Finance over the last six months gaining valuable work experience at Midcounties while studying at Warwickshire College.
The mini graduation celebrated the highlights of their first placement with family members, society colleagues and college representatives all in attendance.
It was a fantastic opportunity to hear directly from our supported interns on what they’ve been working on, the skills they have developed and most importantly what they’ve enjoyed the most. They all received some excellent feedback from their placement managers and colleagues highlighting all of their hard work. As usual, Ellie was on form in getting the whole room laughing! It was a fantastic afternoon enjoyed by all.
Patrick Hinch and Rachel Seagrave, Head of Learning and Development (Tina Wells & Vinnet Kelly were unable to attend so Rachel stepped in for the feedback)
Ellie Saunders and Ben Lee, Property Helpdesk Administrator (Ben has worked closely with Ellie in Property Services)
Thomas Purdie and Anne Penfold, Transactional Finance Manager (Anne was Thomas’s placement manager)
What’s next for our supported interns?
The development of our Supported Interns is at the heart of the scheme with the intention that this programme can help ready them for the world of work. Furthering the above point, we recently ran a CV Workshop with the final output being a completed CV. Their confidence has come on leaps and bounds since starting in November. All three supported interns provided feedback on their placements to a room of over 25 people, not a light task for any individual.
Events like these really emphasise our Co-operative Difference and the values that we stand for.
We hope they have a well-deserved & relaxing half term and look forward to their return to begin the second placements. Ellie will be joining CIT, Patrick in Finance and Thomas part of the Specialist Services team.