Supporting Homelessness into Employment at Cowley Centre Food

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Published 24 Mar 2021 in Communities
Communities have been hit hard since the pandemic began last year, and one of the most hit groups have been people that are experiencing homelessness. We are now proud to announce that the Cowley Centre Food store has commenced a partnership with the charity Aspire to help people experiencing homelessness.
The initiative is dedicated to providing work readiness, employment, and social development support for those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness within the Oxford area. Ultimately providing experience and confidence to take the next step in life for a number of individuals.
Today we run through how the project was started, what is currently happening and what the future holds for our communities in Oxford.
How did the project begin?
Supporting our communities is at the heart of what Midcounties do and as part of our wider Values in Action programme, the Society identified an opportunity of employment for vulnerable members of the community. From here the Oxford-based, Cowley Centre Food store was selected to become the flagship support hub for those experiencing homelessness.
Work experience colleagues Mariam and Lynda (left & right) with their buddy colleague Jayson (centre)
Having launched an ‘exceptional recruitment pathway’ providing work experience and supported employability opportunities for people experiencing homelessness, later this year we aim to set up a social enterprise development support for these vulnerable members of the community.
Throughout this year, the project will provide a range of work experience opportunities, aiming to support individuals to gain employment with our Society where possible. Cowley Centre Food Store colleagues will also contribute by giving valuable support with job coaching and employability skills advice to these individuals.
As the project evolves throughout the year, there will be an opportunity to support local people experiencing homelessness to develop their own social enterprise projects in the Cowley area in partnership with Aspire, including the provision of learning and development space, access to laptops, internet and printing facilities.
What’s happened so far?
The work experience programme officially started week commencing 15th March, with colleague training completed.
Colleagues received training through the online interactive training platform with Aspire ensuring that selected colleagues based at the store have relevant awareness and training to support the programme.
Later in the year, relevant workshops will also be carried out with selected colleagues working with Aspire Oxford. This will ensure that we are developing the most effective exceptional recruitment pathway, by reviewing the work experience activity to date and reviewing employability/recruitment opportunities within our Society and in the broader community.
What did James Budd, Store Manager think of the first colleague to join?
“Really great start! Mariam was early, enthusiastic and plenty of energy and wanting to learn new things. She’s tidied the shop for a great presentation today and shown plenty of initiative and sharing her thoughts and ideas which was great. Really taken to the team easily and couldn’t have asked for a better start, Well done Mariam!”
Who is charity partner Aspire Oxford?
Aspire Oxford are already an established charity that supports homeless and disadvantaged people to find employment through work experience, so they were the perfect fit with us to carry out this exciting project to help support individuals. If you didn't know, they are also the Society’s selected charity partner for the Oxford area.
What does the future hold?
As the year evolves, we will develop social enterprise hub opportunities providing space and access to learning and development opportunities, enabling those experiencing homelessness to develop their own social enterprise ventures. Next year, we will look to develop this partnership even further by supporting ‘pop up’ social enterprise projects and promote the various social enterprise projects being developed. We will further support individuals to gain valued work experience and develop their readiness for self-employment.
Watch this exciting space!