Office 365 – Working Faster, Smarter & Together

This article will take approximately 2 minutes to read
Published 4 Jun 2019 in Things that matter to you
With over 75% of our Colleagues now fully migrated to Office 365, our ongoing challenge is how we can work faster, smarter and more effectively together.
What’s in this episode?
Have you ever tried to get lots of colleagues together for a meeting and someone can’t make it?
Do you have many versions of the same document that you want to share, but don’t know which one might be the most recent?
Well, Office 365 offers Colleagues a suite of products that can work together – but knowing how to use these at the right time can be challenging. To find the answer, watch the below video to hear the latest update from our Sponsor, Aaron Clayton and see how the products FindTime & OneNote work together to drive results.
Still need more resources?
Click here to read the latest updates on our support page, which includes access to the newest training resources such as simple to use hints & tips and the many features available for you to use today.
Your voice is important – so don’t miss your opportunity to provide your feedback on the migration to Office 365 and fill out our quick survey by clicking here.