Don't Forget to Use Your Annual Leave!

Published 12 Mar 2019
As a colleague, you are entitled to annual leave which needs to be taken before the end of the holiday year, which is 31st March 2019. Holiday not taken before this date won’t be carried over and will, therefore, be lost.
There are some limited exceptions where holiday can be carried over. However, that is only where it is not practical for you to take your holiday and you have your manager’s prior written consent for the carryover.
For further information please see the Colleague handbook here on Colleagues Connect. Annual leave is covered at pages 22 to 25 of the handbook.
How to book?
All holiday must be agreed and authorised in advance by your manager by making a request through the Kronos Time and Attendance system. Your manager will take into consideration operational needs in determining whether your leave can be authorised but you should give as much notice as possible, any requests for holiday to be taken this month should, therefore, be submitted as a matter of urgency.
Depending on your trading group and department, there may be circumstances where annual leave requests cannot be accommodated before 31st March 2019 due to operational needs of the business. If that is the case, you should speak to your manager about carrying over the holiday to next year.
To book your annual leave, you can find Kronos via our quick links on Colleagues Connect.
If you have any questions about annual leave that are not covered in the handbook, you can contact the HR Advice Line on 0845 099 6000.