Energy Saving Week - Saving energy & reducing bills
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Published 18 Jan 2022 in Raising Awareness
With energy prices rising beyond anything we’ve seen in the past decade, we understand it’s a worrying time for all our members, customers, and colleagues. As it's Energy Saving Week from 17th January, we’d like to help colleagues save energy, lower their bills and reduce their carbon footprint.
But before we come on to some energy saving tips here’s a quick snapshot of what’s happening in the energy market right now from Lizzie Hieron, Chief Operating Officer for Utilities.
The UK energy market is experiencing the biggest crisis it’s seen for decades. Why? Well, there are several factors. We are overly reliant on the supply of gas from Russia. Availability is much lower than usual, and wholesale prices are at a 13 year high! The more we can increase demand and generation of renewable energy the less reliant we will be on the European gas producers in the long run – that’s why at Midcounties we are supporting Community Energy through our community power tariff and have plans to build new sources of community renewable energy.
Energy bills set to rise
The energy price cap is currently set well below the actual cost of the energy supplying your home. That’s why over half the energy providers in the market went out of business last year. The price cap is set to be increased in early February, taking effect from 1st April, the average home is expected to see their energy bill increase from £1,277 a year to just over £2,000. This means that the cost of your bills will rise if you are currently on a standard variable tariff. This won’t result in energy companies getting rich – in fact, it will still be difficult for them to break even. Midcounties partnered with Octopus as our retail energy partner – they are doing everything they can to keep bills low and also lobbying the government to take some serious action to protect consumers. They have a number of blogs that you can read for more information.
What does this mean for you?
Right now - if you’re on a fixed tariff, this won’t impact you until that tariff comes to an end. When it does, the best thing you can do is join the variable tariff with your current energy provider. You will likely see a price increase but by choosing the standard variable tariff you’ll be protected by the government’s price cap keeping your bills as low as possible. DO NOT switch to a new company and DO NOT sign up to a fixed tariff. Both things will likely cost you more right now. Most companies, like us, are currently advising you not to switch on their websites, as soon as the market settles, we will remove this advice and you can easily get a new quote for a fixed tariff. We’ll let you know when this happens.
Keeping bills lower - a few tips
So, with higher energy bills in sight, here are a few tips on how to save energy at home and keep those bills down as much as possible.
Seal up draughts
A simple draught excluder or draught-proofing kits can really help keep your home toasty warm and stop you from turning the heating up. Sealing up skirting boards, lining your letterbox and draft proofing single glazed windows and chimneys could reduce your heating bills by up to £35 a year.
Swap to a shower
Swapping one bath a week to a shower could save £7 off your annual energy bill. Keeping your shower time to just 4 minutes could save a typical household £45 a year.
Switch off lights
Switching off lights when you leave a room will save you around £14 a year on your annual energy bills and replacing all the lights in your home with LED bulbs will save even more.
Kitchen cuts
We spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking, washing, making hot drinks and all these activities use energy. Only fill the kettle with the amount of water you need and if you need to use the dishwasher, make sure it’s fully loaded and use the Eco setting. Similarly, switch the washing machine to wash at 30 degrees and always make sure it’s full.
By turning off the tap when you wash the dishes and waiting for a full load of laundry before putting on the washing machine you could save £30 off your annual energy bill.
Thinking of switching to renewable energy?
No matter how hard we try to keep our bills down, we all need energy to power our homes and keep warm. Your Co-op Energy’s Community Tariff provides homes with 100% renewable energy produced by community solar, wind and hydro generators. As we’ve said earlier in this post, now is not the time to think about swapping providers but when things start to settle down, we’ll let you know. In the meantime, if you’re interested, here’s where you can find out more about our renewable energy offering.
The numbers quoted in this blog come from Energy Saving Trust. They are experts at what they do and have loads of useful advice on their website.