Support when you need it – the IT Support & Guidance section is live

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Published 15 Sep 2022 in Colleagues
As we launch the new IT Support & Guidance section on Colleagues Connect, Jacob Isherwood, Head of IT tells us a little more about it.
Why did we create a new section?
We identified a need to provide colleagues with one place to go to get common IT questions answered or take the appropriate action. To support you in finding the right answer or expertise quickly to resolve your queries or issues. We also wanted to provide clarity over how to raise and manage requests in ServiceNow, to ensure your query goes to the right team the first time.
The new IT guidance on Colleagues Connect will provide answers to your most common questions, where to go for help with an IT question or issue, and how to engage the right IT resources to help you do your job.
How can colleagues benefit from using it?
The new IT guidance on Colleagues Connect is available to you anytime from any device. There is a colleagues section covering the main questions that colleagues ask, and a manager section to assist managers in understanding main IT responsibilities, the core IT systems and how to access further IT support and guidance.
What are some of the new additions on the platform to look out for?
For colleagues – includes help on contacting IT with a fault or requirement, ordering equipment, working collaboratively and project requirements. Your most common questions are answered!
For managers – includes guidance on the main IT systems, where to go if you or one of your team has an IT requirement, and help on processing IT for starters, movers and leavers. More accessible IT help for you and your teams!
Access your new area here
The new IT guidance section is now available Click here to access
Take a look, bookmark and let us know what you think could be improved or added. Feedback can also be provided via Colleagues Connect via Thumbs up/down or directly to Ali McCreery, Project Manager in the team.