World Religion Day
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Published 21 Jan 2025 in Raising Awareness
World Religion Day took place last weekend to promote interfaith understanding and discussion. The Culture and Beliefs Team from the Inclusion Allies Network invite you to reflect on the occasion.
Religion is such a personal thing, and everyone has their own beliefs and opinions. But World Religion Day provides a wonderful opportunity for us to come together to share our experiences and listen to each other’s viewpoints without judgement.
Did you do anything for World Religion Day? We’d love to hear about it in the comments!
If not, it’s not too late! Here are just a few ways you can get involved in the World Religion Day celebrations:
Ask your colleagues about their beliefs
This is the perfect opportunity to ask colleagues about their religious traditions and practices so you can better understand a religion you may not be familiar with. We have such a diverse colleague base and sharing our knowledge and views can really bring us together. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something new!
Consider how can you be more inclusive
Openness and Equality are two of our DOES values, based on the values of the Co-operative Movement. Today, take a few moments to consider how you can integrate them into your working day to create a more inclusive workplace.
Pencil in time for learning
On Sunday (26th January) the updated Appropriate Behaviours in the Workplace i.Learn module will launch. Please take some time to complete the training, designed to promote collective understanding and respect at work.
We would love to hear from you
We encourage you to talk to us about religion so we can truly understand your perspectives to help create a more inclusive environment.
Use the link below to access a safe and confidential platform where you can share your views on religion with us
The Inclusion Allies Network will use this information to educate and drive positive change within our wider community.
Let's come together to learn, share, and grow. Your insights are invaluable to us!
Is religion important to you? Join the Inclusion Allies Network
Religion is one of the 9 Protected Characteristics represented by the Inclusion Allies Network. If you have a view on how the Society could become more inclusive, we invite you to join the Network, who meet each month, to have your say.
If you’re interested in joining, email