Flexible Working Policy
Last Updated 2 Jul 2024 in Work Life Balance
We are committed to supporting our colleagues where we can and every colleague has the right to request flexible working patterns. This policy explains how it works.
Key points covered:
The different ways you can work flexibly
The process to apply for flexible working
About this Policy
The Society recognises that flexible working can provide benefits to both colleagues and the Society and aims to support colleagues where possible to manage the balance between work and home life.
This policy provides eligible colleagues an opportunity to formally request a change to their working pattern. Managers are encouraged to facilitate requests unless they cannot be accommodated for business or operational reasons.
This policy applies to all colleagues (whether employed on a full-time, part-time, fixed term or permanent basis). It does not apply to agency workers or self-employed contractors.
This policy does not form part of any contract of employment and the Society may amend it at any time.
Informal Arrangements and Agile Working
For short term and ad hoc changes to working patterns, such as flexible hours e.g. starting and finishing earlier on occasions, colleagues are advised to discuss these requests informally with line managers. Colleagues can also refer to the Agile Working Policy where looking to work more flexibly (please note agile working is not suitable for all roles within the Society).
However, where colleagues are looking to permanently change their working arrangements, colleagues should follow the flexible working procedure.
Colleagues can make a request to change their working arrangements from day one of employment with the Society.
Colleagues can submit a formal request for flexible working twice every 12 months, however we encourage colleagues to discuss individual circumstances with their manager.
There are many forms of flexible working which colleagues can request, such as:
Working reduced hours
Working set days
Working compressed hours
Flexitime, or
Working a set number of hours per year
Making a Request
Colleagues are encouraged to have an open conversation with their manager where they feel they may benefit from flexible working. All requests must then be made in writing to the line manager with details of the flexible arrangement for which they want to apply. The Society will respond to requests as soon as possible, however all requests will be dealt with within a period of two months from first receipt of the application through to receiving an outcome.
The line manager will arrange a meeting with the colleague within 28 days of receiving the request. Colleagues are entitled to bring a colleague or trade union representative along with them to the meeting if they wish. The colleague’s companion will be entitled to speak during the meeting and confer privately with the colleague but may not answer questions on the colleague’s behalf.
If the Society agrees to the request, changes to a colleague’s terms of employment will be permanent unless agreed as a trial period.
Where a colleagues request is relating to working from home, then they are required to read and understand the guidelines set out in the Society’s Homeworking Policy.
For food colleagues, if you work in a food retail store and the flexible working request has been agreed, if this changes when you are available to work, you will need to complete an updated availability form and provide this to your store manager. This form will then be sent to HR to be retained on your colleague file.
It may be that the line manager wishes to trial the new working arrangements before deciding on whether to accept the request or not. There isn’t a set timeframe for how long the trial period should last and will be down to line managers to exercise their judgement on how long the trial period should be before reaching a decision on whether they can accommodate the request permanently.
The Society may reject a request for one or more of the following business reasons:
Extra costs which will damage the Society’s business,
Work cannot be reorganised amongst other staff,
Other colleagues cannot be recruited to do the work,
Flexible working will affect quality and performance,
The business will be unable to meet customer demand,
There is insufficient work to do during the proposed working times, or
The Society is planning changes to the workforce.
If the Society is unable to agree to the request, we will confirm our decision in writing to highlight which reason(s) apply regarding the application. We may also discuss alternative flexible working patterns with the colleague, where the arrangement requested cannot be accommodated. Colleagues will be given an opportunity to appeal against the Society’s decision if they disagree with the decision. If a colleague wishes to appeal, they must do so within 5 working days from receipt of the decision letter and must state the grounds of their appeal.
Additional Support
If you require additional support, you should speak to your line manager. Alternatively, you can contact HR for advice via email on hr.advice@midcounties.coop.
Policy name: |
Flexible Working Policy |
Date of last review: |
April 2024 |
Policy owner: |
HR |
Issue number: |
005 |