Developing Young People
Young people are our future consumers, co-operators and colleagues, therefore we strive to build strong, long term relationships with local schools and youth projects in our communities. As a colleague you can be part of this relationship building through volunteering and supporting activities in schools. The Society has partner schools situated across our trading area and in each of our Regional Community Areas we have preferred schools that colleagues work with to deliver workshops such as Fairtrade and employability skills. We also offer work experience and work placements to young people at school and adults returning to work, which allows them to develop employability skills and experience the world of work.
We offer work experience and work placements to young people and adults returning to the workplace.
Through developing employability skills and experiencing the world of work, young people and those returning to the workplace, have a better understanding of what they can do and how we support colleagues and serve our customers.
We will do our best to find a suitable work experience placement that meets your requirements. If for any reason, we are not able to meet your requests, for business reasons or because places have been filled, we will let you know and look for alternative placements within our business to consider.
What is ‘Stores as Classrooms’?
'Stores as Classrooms' is a great way to engage with the primary schools and youth organisations in your local communities.
It works by inviting a class of children to use the store as a resource to enrich their lessons. Children visit the store and walk around in small groups gathering information using a worksheet.
Read the Manager's Guide for more information.
What resources are available?
We have numerous worksheets as well as additional resources to help you make the most out of the day including: a welcome roller banner, hi-vis vests and pin badges for the children. Email the Young People Engagement Co-ordinator for more information
Relevant worksheets:
Fairtrade treasure hunt (ages 4-8)
Maths Challenge (ages 8-10)
Shapes Challenge (ages 3-7)
Health and Safety - ‘Great Fire of London’ Challenge (ages 6-7)
How can you get involved with your local school?
Getting involved and supporting in your local communities is the heartbeat of who we are at Midcounties.
We would love for you to support your local schools and to help with this we have developed workshops and resources that you can use.
There are also equipment packs available to use - to borrow these please contact the Young People Engagement Co-ordinator (YPEC).
What workshops are available?
Workshops and resources are available on the following topics:
What does the workshop involve?
Fairtrade fortnight is from the last week in February to the first week in March each year.
Schools often want to take part in activities to celebrate Fairtrade and to educate their students.
Below are some resources which you can use in schools or in store, from assemblies to games, word searches quizzes and crosswords.
If you would like any help with running any of these, or for a copy of the Fairtrade assemblies please contact the YPEC.
What does the workshop involve?
These 5 areas with relevant resources are designed for year 10 - year 13 students:
- CV Skills
- Interview Skills
- Assessment Centre
- Mock Interviews
- Telephone Techniques
CV Skills
- CV Guide
- Role Profile
- Role Advert
- Good CV
- Good CV (trainer notes)
- Bad CV
- Bad CV (trainer notes)
- CV Presentation
Interview Skills
Mock Interviews
Telephone Techniques
What does the workshop involve?
Defending the environment is a key social goal for Midcounties.
To help share this goal with our partner schools we have developed three workshops which can be used separately or together. See the Guide for more details.
What does the workshop involve?
This workshop is for year 8 - 9 students and gets them to explore where food comes from, and asks them to investigate the consequences of what you buy. See the Guide for more details.
What does the workshop involve?
In line with the launch of our Sustainable Communities programme we have introduced the Sustainable Schools concept into our partner schools. We have provided schools and young people with an educational toolkit based around various aspects of sustainability. Topics include Eco Bricks, Plastics and Earth Hour.
Get Involved!
Our focus is to support the education, employability and experiences of young people and we would love for you to be involved.
We have lots of opportunities for you to volunteer - If you want to put yourself forward please contact our Community Team.