Carers Policy
Last Updated 7 Feb 2025 in Work Life Balance
If you have caring responsibility for someone else we will do our best to support you by being flexible – the policy outlines how we do this.
Key points covered:
Discussing your caring responsibilities with your line manager
How to request required time off work
Keeping in contact with the person you care for
Carers Passport
About this Policy
The Society recognises that some colleagues are required to balance their work commitment with caring responsibilities and appreciate that caring responsibilities can change overnight. The Society is keen to support any colleagues who have responsibility for caring for others, and we would encourage colleagues to be open with their line manager so that there can be discussions about the support which the colleague feels that they need from the Society. Colleagues can request a wellbeing check in with their manager to discuss their individual circumstances and ways the Society can support.
For the purpose of this policy, a carer is a colleague who provides or intends to provide a period of unpaid care for a dependent who is, ill, disabled, elderly, or has other long-term care needs.
Colleagues who require time off to care for a dependent in an event of an unplanned emergency please refer to the Society’s Emergency Leave Policy.
Time Off Work
The Society will always endeavor to agree to reasonable requests for unpaid time off work to accommodate colleagues who have caring responsibilities.
Whatever your length of service, you have a statuary right to take carer’s leave to provide or arrange care for a dependent if they have a long term care need. The amount of unpaid carer’s leave that you can take is up to one week in any 12 month rolling period. A week of carer’s leave is the same duration as your normal working week. You can choose to take the leave in one continuous block, or individual/ half days. Colleagues should meet with their line manager to discuss a request for unpaid time off work, and should provide as much notice as possible so Managers can plan for your absence.
Requests will only be postponed where the request for time off may significantly impact the business operations. Your manager will arrange to find an alternative period within one month of your carer’s leave period original request and should contact their line manager or email
The carer’s policy is intended to deal with short-term needs, colleagues who wish to change their working hours permanently due to caring responsibilities, please refer to the Society’s Flexible Working Policy.
Parents or legal guardians who wish to take unpaid time off to care for a child please refer to the Society’s Parental Leave Policy.
Some colleagues may need time off work to deal with an emergency situation, and this type of leave request is covered by the Society’s Emergency Leave Policy.
Colleagues are also reminded that the Society has a Career Break Policy which provides another potential option for colleagues who wish to consider taking an extended period of time off work.
The Society will make every effort to limit the effect on colleagues pay. Wherever possible, colleagues will be allowed to make up lost time, or book annual leave, in order to reduce the financial loss which, the colleague may suffer. All periods of leave should be recorded appropriately detailing the reason for the absence (e.g. carers leave).
Other Considerations
For colleagues seeking financial support from the local social services department, please contact them with queries and make a request for a carers’ assessment.
If a colleague needs to make or receive urgent calls in connection with their carer responsibilities, they must agree this with their line manager, particularly because there are some areas within the business where use of a phone is otherwise prohibited.
Carers Passport
Whilst colleagues are not required to disclose that they have caring responsibilities, we encourage colleagues to do so. This will help the Society provide appropriate support to colleagues. Line managers will respect the confidentiality of any information provided to them.
The carers passport can aid conversations between a colleague and their line managers and document the support available and flexibilities agreed within the Society’s HR policies. The passport also enables this information to travel with the carer if their job or line manager changes and prompt follow up conversations to keep up to date with the colleague’s individual circumstances.
Additional Support
If you have any questions regarding this policy or require additional support, you should speak to your line manager. Alternatively, you can email
The Society has partnered with GroceryAid to provide colleagues with a FREE confidential helpline service. For help and advice colleagues can contact the confidential 24/7 GroceryAid Helpline by calling 08088 021 122. A live webchat is also available here. There is also a wide range of guidance and support resources available at
Managers can also access support resources to helping managers to help a colleague. GroceryAid helpline partner Care first offer extra support and resources for managers.
Please visit the managers area for additional support, services include:
Freephone advice, information and counselling service
Online information resources
Management consultancy
Management referral to initiate counselling for an employee
Policy name: |
Carers Policy |
Date of last review: |
Feb 2025 |
Policy owner: |
HR |
Issue number: |
005 |